Congratulations on upgrading to VIP Access for 
The Working Mom's Pathway to Empowerment


* A seat at my masterclass, "3 key steps to finding your clarity”.

* Private 1:1  discovery session with me.

* Lifetime Access to the Full Show to re-watch at any time or share with others.

I look forward to working with you in the future and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out and say hello, and I will come back to you as soon as possible.



Hi! My name is Gráinne

I am a life coach for working moms. I am passionate about supporting working moms to gain more clarity and confidence to overcome their fears and self doubt , to create the life that they want. My holistic approach will help you:

Reconnect with your purpose 
Pursue goals that are aligned with you  
Take empowered action towards your goals

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